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loors up. it was a relief to be away from

the smell of the troll, quite apart from anything else.

”we should have gotteen prumbled.

”five, you mean, oaken off hermiones.”

”get us out of trouble like that,” ron

admitted. ”mind you, we did save her.”

”she might not have needed saving if we hadnt locked the thing

in with her,” harry reminded him.

they had reached the portrait of the fat lady.

”pig snout,” they said aered.

the aoisy. everyohe

food that had bee up. hermioood alohe

d for them. there was a very embarrassed pause. then,

hem lookiher, they all said ”thanks,” and

hurried off to get plates.

but from that moment raheir

friend. there are some things you t share without ending up

likiher, and knog out a twelve-foot mountain troll

is ohem.

chapter eleven


as they entered he weather turned very cold. the

mountains around the se id the lake like chilled

steel. every m the ground was frost. hagrid could

be seeairs wiing broomsti the

quidditch field, bundled up in a long moleski, rabbit

fur gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots.

the quiddit had begun. on saturday, harry would

be playing in his first match after weeks ryffindor

versus slytherin. if gryffindor won, they would move up into sed

pla the house ship.

hardly anyone had seen harry play because wood had decided that,

as their secret on, harry should be kept, well, secret. but

the he laying seeker had leaked out somehow, and

harry didnt knoorse -- people telling him hed be

brilliaelling him theyd be running arouh

him holding a mattress.

it was really lucky that harry now had hermlone as a friend. he

didnt know how hed have gh all his homework without

her, what with all the last-mich practice wood was

making them do. she had also tent him quidditch through the ages,

whied out to be a very iing read.

harry learhere were seven hundred ways of itting

a quidditd that all of them had happened during a world

cup mat 1473; that seekers were usually the smallest and

fastest players, and that most serious quidditts seemed to

happe although people rarely died playing quidditch,

referees had been known to vanish and turn up mohe

sahara desert.

hermione had bee a bit more relaxed ab rules

since harry and ron had saved her from the mountain troll, and she

was muicer for it. the day before harrys first quidditch match

the three of them were out in the freezing c break,

and she had jured them up a bright blue fire that could be

carried around in a jam jar. they were standing with their backs

to it, getting warm, e crossed the yard. harry noticed

at o snape ing. harry, ron, and hermione moved

clether to block the fire from view; they were sure it

wouldnt be allowed. uhing abuilty

faces apes eye. he limped over. he hadhe fire,

but he seemed to be looking for a reasohem off anyway.

”whats that youve got there, potter?”

it was quidditch through the ages. harry showed him.

”library books are akehe school,” said

snape. ”give it to me. five pryffindor.”

”hes just made that rule up,” harry muttered angrily as snape

limped ahats wrong with his leg?”

”dunno, but i hope its really hurting him,” said ron bitterly.

the gryffindor was very noisy that evening. harry,

ron, and hermioogether o a window. hermione was

g harry and rons ework for them. she would never

let them copy (”how will you learn?”), but by askio read

it through, they ght answers anyway.

harry felt restless. he w