章节目录 章节_78(1 / 1)


r/> id read the name somewhere before, i read it orain ing

here -- listen to this: dumbledore is particularly famous for his

defeat of the dark wizard grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery

of the twelve uses ons blood, and his work oh

his partner, niel!”

hermioo her feet. she hadnt looked so exce

theyd gotten back the marks for their very first pieework.

”stay there!” she said, aed up the stairs to

the girls dormitories. harry and roime to exge

mystified looks before she was dashing baous old book

in her arms.

”i to look in here!” she whispered excitedly. ”i

got this out of the library weeks ago for a bit .”

”light?” said roold him to be quiet until shed

looked something up, and started flitically through the

pages, muttering to herself.

at last she found what she was looking for.

”i k! i k!”

”are we allowed to speak yet?” said ron grumpily. hermione

ignored him.

”niel,” she whispered dramatically, ”is the only

khe sorcerers stone!”

this didnt have quite the effect shed expected.

”the what?” said harry and ron.

”oh, holy, dont you two read? look -- read that, there.”

she pushed the book toward them, and harry ahe

audy of alchemy is ed with making the sorcerers

stone, a legendary substaonishihe stone will

transform aold. it also produces the elixir of

life, which will make the drial.

there have bees of the sorcerers stohe

turies, but the oly ieo

mr. niel, the noted ald opera lover. mr. flamel,

who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year,

enjoys a quiet life ih his wife, perenelle (six hundred


”see?” said hermione, when harry and ron had fihe dog

must be guarding flamels sorcerers sto he asked dumbledore

to keep it safe for him, because theyre friends and he knew someone

was after it, thats why he wao otts!”

”a sto makes gold and stops you fr!” said

harry. ”no es after it! anyone would want it.”

”and no wonder we t fi study of ret

developments in wizardry,” said ron. ”hes ly ret if

hes six hundred and sixty-five, is he?”

the m i the dark arts, while g

dow ways werewolf bites, harry and ron were

still disg what theyd do with a sorcerers stohey had

o wasnt until ron said hed buy his own quidditch team that

harry remembered about she atch.

”im going to play,” he told ron and hermione. ”if i dont, all

the slytherins will think im just too scared to faape. ill

show them... itll really wipe the smiles off their faces if we win.”

”just as long as were not wiping you off the field,” said


as the matearer, however, harry beore

nervous, whatever he told rohe rest of the team

wasnt too calm, either. the idea slytherin in the

house ship was wonderful, no one had do for seven years,

but would they be allowed to, with such a biased referee?

harry didnt kher he was imagining it or not, but

he seemed t into snape wherever he went. at times,

he eveher snape was following him, trying to catch

him on his own. potions less into a sort of weekly

torture, snape was so horrible to harry. ape possibly know

theyd found out about the sorcerers stone? harry didnt see how

he could -- yet he sometimes had the horrible feeling that snape

could read minds.

harry khey wished him good luck outside the locker

rooms the hat ron and hermione were w

whether they