章节目录 章节_92(1 / 1)


and baing through the trees,

their flanks heaviy.

”firehu are you doing? you have a

human on your back! have you no shame? are you a ule?”

”do you realize who this is?” said firehis is the potter

boy. the quicker he leaves this forest, the better.”

”what have you been telling him?” growled bane. ”remember,

firenze, we are sworn ainst the heavens. have

we is to e is of the plas?”

rohe ground nervously. ”im sure fire he

was ag for the best, ” he said in his gloomy voice.

bane kicked his ba anger.

”for the best! what is that to do with us? taurs are ed

with what has bee is not our busio run around

like doray humans i!”

firenze suddeo his hind legs ihat

harry had to grab his shoulders to stay on.

”do you uni?” fire bane. ”do

you and why it was killed? or have the pla let

you in o? i set myself against what is lurking in this

forest, bah humans alongside me if i must.”

and firenze whisked around; with harry g o

he could, they pluo the trees, leaving ronan and bane

behind them.

harry didnt have a clue what was going on.

”whys bane so angry?” he asked. ”what was that thing you saved

me from, anyway?”

fireo a walk, waro keep his head

bowed in case of low-hangi did not answer harrys

questioheir way through the trees in silence for

so long that harry thought firenze didnt want to talk to him

ahey were passing through a particularly dech of

trees, however, when fireopped.

”harry potter, do you know what uni blood is used -for?”

”no,” said harry, startled by the odd question. ”weve only

used the horn and tail hair in potions.”

”that is because it is a m, to slay a uni,”

said firenze. ”only one who has nothing to lose, ahing

to gain, would it such a crime. the blood of a uni will

keep you alive, even if you are an in death, but at a

terrible price. you have slaihing pure ao

save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life,

from the momeouches your lips.”

harry stared at the back of firenzes head, led

silver in the moonlight.

”but whod be that desperate?” he wondered aloud. ”if youre

going to be cursed forever, deaths better, isnt it?”

”it is,” firenze agreed, ”unless all you o stay alive

loo drihihing that will bring

you back tth and power -- something that will mean

you ever die. mr. potter, do you know what is hidden in the

school at this very moment?”

”the sorcerers stone! of course -- the elixir of life! but i

dont uand who --”

” you think of nobody who has waited mao return

to power, who has g to life, awaiting their ce?”

it was as though an iron fist had ched suddenly around

harrys heart. of the trees, he seemed to hear

o hagrid had told him ohey had met:

”some say he died. y opinion. dunno if he had enough

huma in him to die.”

”do you mean,” harry croaked, ”that was vol-”

”harry! harry, are yht?”

hermi toward them dowh, hagrid puffing

along behind her.

”im fine,” said harry, hardly knoas saying. ”the

unis dead, hagrid, its in that g back there.”

”this is where i leave you,” firenze murmured as hagrid hurried

off to examihe uni. ”you are safe now.”

harry slid off his back.

”good luck, harry potter,” said fires have been

read wrongly before aurs. i hope this is one o