章节目录 章节_19(1 / 1)


reme mugwump, iional fed. of wizards)

dear mr. potter,

leased to inform you that you have bee

hogwarts school of witd lease find enclosed

a list of all necessary books a.

term begiember 1. we await your owl by han

july 31. yours sincerely,

minerva magall,

deputy headmistress

questions exploded inside harrys head like fireworks and he

t decide which to ask first. after a few miammered,

”what does it mea my owl?”

”gallopin gons, that reminds me,” said hagrid, g a

hand to his forehead with enough forock over a cart horse,

aher poside his overcoat he pulled an owl --

a real, live, rather ruffled-looking owl -- a long quill, and a

roll of part. with his toeeth he scribbled

a harry could read upside down:

dear professor dumbledore,

given harry his letter.

taking him to buy his things tomorrow.

weathers horrible. hope youre well.


hagrid rolled up the he owl, ed

it i to the door, ahe owl out into the

storm. then he came bad sat down as though this was as normal

as talkielephone.

harry realized his mouth en a quickly.

”where was i?” said hagrid, but at that moment, un,

still ashe lry, moved intht.

”hes not going,” he said.

hagrid grunted.

”id like ter see a great muggle like you stop him,” he said.

”a what?” said harry, ied.

”a muggle,” said hagrid, ”its what we agic folk like

thern. an its your bad luck you grew up in a family o the biggest

muggles i ever laid eyes on.”

”e took him in wed put a stop to that rubbish,”

said un, ”swore wed stamp it out of him! wizard indeed!”

”you knew?” said harry. ”you knew im a -- a wizard?”

”knew!” shrieked auunia suddenly. ”knew! of course we

knew! how could you ted sister being what she was? oh,

she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that-that

se home every va with her pockets full

spawn, turo rats. i was the only one who saw her

for what she was -- a freak! but for my mother and father, oh no,

it was lily this and lily that, they were proud of having a witch

in the family!”

she stopped to dra breath aing on. it

seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years.

”the potter at sd they left and got married

and had you, and of course i knew youd be just the same, just

as stra as -- as -- abnormal -- and then, if you please,

she went and got herself blown up a lah you!”

harry had goe. as soon as he found his voice he said,

”blown up? you told me they died in a car crash!”

”car crash!” rrid, jumping up so angrily that the

dursleys scuttled back to their er. ”how could a car crash kill

lily an james potter? its an e! a sdal! harry potter

not knowin his own story when every kid in our world knows his

ened?” harry asked urgently.

the anger faded from hagrids face. he looked suddenly anxious.

”i his,” he said, in a low, worried voice. ”i

had no idea, wheold me there might be trouble gettin

hold of yeh, how much yeh didnt know. ah, harry, i don know

if im the right persoell yeh -- but someoa --

yeh t gwarts not knowin.”

he threw a dirty look at the dursleys.

”well, its best yeh know as much as i tell yeh -- mind,

i t tell yeh everythin, its a great mystry, parts of it....”

he sat dowhe fire for a few sed then

said, ”it begins, i suppose, with -- erso its

incredible yeh dont know his name, everyone in our