章节目录 章节_34(1 / 1)


the boy lifted the lid of a box in his arms, and the people

around him shrieked and yelled as something i a long,

hairy leg.

harry pressed h the til he fouy

ehe erai hedwig i

aed to shove arunk toward the train

door. he tried to lift it up the steps but could hardly raise one

end and twice he dropped it painfully on his foot.

”want a hand?” it was ohe red-haired twins hed followed

through the barrier.

”yes, please,” harry panted.

”oy, fred! cmere and help!”

with the twins help, harrys trunk was at last tucked away in

a partment.

”thanks,” said harry, pushiy hair out of his eyes.

”whats that?” said owins suddenly, pointing at

harrys lightning scar.

”blimey,” said the other twin. ”are you

”he is,” said the first twi you?” he added to harry.

”what?” said harry.

”harry potter, ”chorused the twins.

”oh, him,” said harry. ”i mean, yes, i am.”

the two boys gawked at him, and harry felt himself turning

red. then, to his relief, a voice came floating in through the

trains open door.

”fred? gee? are you there?”


with a last look at harry, the twihe train.

harry sat dowhe here, half hidden, he could

watch the red-haired family oform ahey were

sayiher had just taken out her handkerchief.

”ron, youve got something on your nose.”

the youried to jerk out of the way, but she grabbed

him and began rubbing the end of his nose.

”mom -- gerled free.

”aaah, has iie got somefink on his nosie?” said one

of the twins.

”shut up,” said ron.

”wheres percy?” said their mother.

”hes ing now.”

the oldest boy came striding into sight. he had already ged

into his billowing black hogwarts robes, and harry notiy

silver badge ohe letter p on it.

”t stay long, mother,” he said. ”im up fros

have got two ents to themselves --”

”oh, are you a prefect, percy?” said owins, with

an air of great surprise. ”you should have said something, we had

no idea.”

”hang on, i think i remember him sayihing about it,”

said the other twin. ”once --”

”or twice --”

”a minute --”

”all summer --”

”oh, shut up,” said percy the prefect.

”how e perew robes, anyway?” said owins.

”because hes a prefect,” said their mother fondly. ”all right,

dear, well, have a good term -- send me a there.”

she kissed per the d he left. theo

the twins.

”now, you two -- this year, you behave yourselves. if i get

oelling me youve -- youve blown up a toilet or --”

”blown up a toilet? weve never blown up a toilet.”

”great idea though, thanks, mom.”

”its not funny. and look after ron.”

”dont worry, iiekih us.”

”shut up,” said ron again. he was almost as tall as the twins

already and his ill piher had rubbed it.

”hey, mom, guess what? guess who we just met orain?”

harry leaned back quickly so they t see him looking.

”you know that black-haired boy who was near us in the

station? know who he is?”


”harry potter!”

harry heard the little girls voice.

”oh, mom, i go orain and see him, mom, eh please....”

”youve already seen him, ginny, and the poor boy isnt something

you goggle at in a zoo. is he really, fred? how do you know?”