章节目录 章节_46(1 / 1)


s, hy warty hogwarts,

teaething please,

whether we be old and bald

with sees,

our heads could do with filling

with s stuff,

for now theyre bare and full of air,

dead flies and bits of fluff,

so teags worth knowing,

bring back what weve fot,

just do your best, well do the rest,

ail our brains all rot.

everybody fi differe last, only

the ere left singing along to a very slow funeral

march. dumbledore ducted their last feand and

when they had finished, he was ohose ed loudest.

”ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. ”a magid all we

do here! aime. off you trot!”

the gryffindor first years follh the g

crowds, out of the great hall, and up the marble staircase. harrys

legs were like lead again, but only because he was so tired and

full of food. he was too sleepy even to be surprised that the people

is along the corridors whispered ahey

passed, or that twice percy led them through doorways hidden behind

sliding panels and hahey climbed more staircases,

yawning and draggi, and harry was just w how

much farther they had to go wheo a sudden halt.

a bundle of walking sticks was floating in midair ahead of them,

aook a step toward them they started throwing themselves

at him.

”peeves,” percy whispered to the first years. ”a peist.” he

raised his voice, ”peeves -- show yourself”

a loud, rude souhe air bei of a balloon,


”do you wao the bloody baron?”

there , and a little man with wicked, dark eyes and a

wide mouth appeared, fled in the air, g

the walking sticks.

”oooooooh!” he said, with an evil cackle. ”ickle firsties! what


he swooped suddehey all ducked.

”go aeeves, or the baronll hear about this, i mean

it!” barked percy.

peeves stuck out his tongue and vanished, dropping the walking

stievilles head. they heard him zooming away, rattling

or as he passed.

”you want to watch out for peeves,” said percy, as they set

off again. ”the bloody barons the only one who ,

he woen to us prefects. here we are.”

at the very end of the c a portrait of a very fat

ink silk dress.

”password?” she said. ”caput drais,” said perd the

p forward to reveal a rouhe wall. they

all scrambled through it -- neville needed a leg up -- and found

themselves in the gryffindor , a full

of squashy armchairs.

percy directed the girls through oo their dormitory

ahrough ahe top of a spiral staircase --

they were obviously iowers -- they found their beds at

last: five f with deep red, velvet s. their

trunks had already been brought up. too tired to talk much, they

pulled on their pajamas ao bed.

” great food, isnt it?” roh the

hangi off, scabbers! hes g my sheets.”

harry was going to ask ron if hed had areacle tart,

but he fell asleep almost at once.

perhaps harry had eaten a bit too much, because he had a very

strange dream. he rofessor quirrells turban, which

kept talking to him, telliraherin at

o was his destiny. harry told the turban he didnt

waherin; it got heavier aried to

pull it off but it tightened painfully -- and there was malfoy,

laughing at him as he struggled with it -then malfoy turhe

hook-eaape, whose laugh became high and cold -- there

was a burst ht and harry woke, sweating and shaking.

he rolled over and fell asleep again, and whe day,

he didhe dream at all.

chapter eight