章节目录 章节_54(1 / 1)


and he swooped . professor

magall slammed the door behind him ao face the

two boys.

”potter, this is oliver wood. wood -- ive found you a seeker.”

woods expression ged from puzzleme.

”are you serious, professor?”

”absolutely,” said prall crisply. ”the boys

a natural. ive hi. was that your first

time on a broomstick, potter?”

harry ly. he didnt have a clue what was going on,

but he dido be being expelled, ahe feeling

started ing back to his legs.

”he caught that thing in his hay-foot dive,”

prall told wood. ”didch himself. charlie

weasley t have do.”

looking as though all his dreams had e true

at once.

”ever seen a game of quidditch, potter?” he asked excitedly.

”woods of the gryffindor team,” prall


”hes just the build for a seeker, too,” said alking

around harry and staring at him. ”light -- speedy -- well have

to get him a de, professor -- a nimbus two thousand or

a sweep seven, id say.”

i shall speak to professor dumbledore and see if we t bend

the first-year rule. heaven knows, we eam than last

year. flatte last match by slytherin, i t look

severus she face for weeks....”

prall peered sternly lasses at harry.

”i want to hear youre training hard, potter, or i may ge

my mind about punishing you.”

then she suddenly smiled.

”your father roud,” she said. ”he was an

ext quidditch player himself.”


it was diime. harry had just fielling ron what had

happened when hed left the grounds with prall. ron

had a piece of steak and kidney pie halfway to his mouth, but hed

fotten all about it.

”seeker?” he said. ”but first years never -- you must be the

you house player in about a tury, said harry, shoveling pie

into his mouth. he felt particularly huhe ext

of the afternoon. ”wood told me.”

ron was so amazed, so impressed, he just sat a harry.

”i start trai week,” said harry. ”only dont tell

anyone, wood wa a secret.”

fred and gee weasley he hall, spotted harry,

and hurried over.

”well done,” said gee in a low voice. ”wood told us. were

ooo -- beaters.”

”i tell you, were going to win that quidditch cup for sure

this year,” said fred. ”we havent won since charlie left, but

this years team is going to be brilliant. you must be good, harry,

wood was almost skippiold us.”

”anyway, weve got to go, lee jordan res hes found a new

secret passageway out of the school.”

”bet its that ohe statue ory the smarmy that

we found in our first week. see you.”

fred and gee had hardly disappeared when someone far less

wele turned up: malfoy, flanked by d goyle.

”having a last meal, potter? wheirain


”youre a lot braver now that youre ba the ground and

youve got your little friends with you,” said harry coolly. there

was of othing at all little about d goyle, but as

the high table was full of teaeither of them ore

than crack their knud scowl.

”id take you on anytime on my own,” said malfoy. ”tonight,

if you want. wizards duel. wands only -- no tact. whats the

matter? never heard of a wizards duel before, i suppose?”

”of course he has,” said ron, wheeling around. ”im his sed,

whos yours?”

malfoy looked at d goyle, sizing them up.

”crabbe,” he said. ”midnight all right? well meet you in the

trophy room