章节目录 章节_56(1 / 1)



”youve got some nerve --” said ron loudly.

”shut up, both of you!” said harry sharply. i heard something.”

it was a sort of snuffling.

”mrs. norris?” breathed ron, squinting through the dark.

it wasnt mrs. norris. it was neville. he was curled up on the

floor, fast asleep, but jerked suddehey earer.

”thank goodness you found me! ive been out here for hours,

i t remember the new passwet in to bed.”

”keep your voieville. the passwords pig snout

but it wont help you ladys gone off somewhere.”

”hows your arm?” said harry.

”fine,” said neville, showing them. ”madam pomfrey me

in about a minute.”

”good - well, look, neville, weve got to be somewhere, well

see you later --”

”dont leave me!” said neville, sg to his feet, ”i dont

want to stay here alohe bloody barowice already.”

ro his watd then glared furiously at hermione

and neville.

”if either of you get us caught, ill il ive

lear curse of the bogies quirrell told us about, and used

it on you.

hermione opeh, perhaps to tell roly how to

use the curse of the bogies, but harry hissed at her to be quiet

ahem all forward.

they flitted along corridors striped with bars of moonlight from

the high windows. at every turo run into filch

or mrs. norris, but they were lucky. they sped up a staircase to

the third floor aoward the trophy room.

malfoy and crabbe werent there yet. the crystal trophy cases

glimmered where the moonlight caught them. cups, shields, plates,

and statues winked silver and gold in the darkhey edged

along the ihe doors at either end

of the room. harry took out his wand in case malfoy leapt in and

started at oes crept by.

”hes late, maybe hes ed out,” ron whispered.

thehe room made them jump. harry had only just

raised his wahey heard someone speak -and it wasnt malfoy.

”sniff arouhey might be lurking in a er.”

it was filg to mrs. norris. horror-struck, harry waved

madly at the other three to follow him as quickly as possible; they

scurried silently toward the door, away from filchs voievilles

robes had barely whipped round the er when they heard filch

erophy room.

”theyre in here somewhere,” they heard him mutter, ”probably


”this way!” harry mouthed to the others arified, they

began to a long gallery full of suits of armor. they could

hear filg nearer. neville sudde a frightened

squeak ao a ruripped, grabbed ron around the

air of them tht into a suit of armor.

the g and g were enough to wake the whole castle.

”run!” harry yelled, and the four of them sprihe

gallery, not looking back to see whether filch was following --

they swung arou and galloped down one corridor then

another, harry ihout ahey were or

where they were going -- they ripped through a tapestry and found

themselves in a hiddeled along it a

heir charms , whiew was miles from the

trophy room.

”i think weve lost him,” harry panted, leaning against the

cold ing his forehead. double, wheezing

and spluttering.

i -- told -yasped, g at the stit

her chest, ”i -- told -- you.”

”weve got to get back to gryffindor tower,” said ron, ”quickly

as possible.”

”malfoy triioo harry. ”you realize that,

dont you? he was o meet you -- fileone

was goirophy room, malfoy must have tipped him off.”

harry thought she rht, but he wasnt going to

tell her that.

”lets go.&