章节目录 章节_63(1 / 1)


d to fasten his arms

arourolls ne behiroll t feel harry

ha even a troll will notice if you stig bit

of wood up its nose, and harrys wand had still been in his hand when

hed jumped -- it had ght up orolls nostrils.

howling with paiwisted as club,

with harry g on for dear life; ahe troll was

going to rip him off or catch him a terrible blow with the club.

hermione had sunk to the flht; ro his

own wand -- not knoas going to do he heard himself

cry the first spell that to his head: ”wingardium leviosa!”

the club flew suddenly out of the trolls hand, rose high, high

up iurned slowly over -- ah a sig

to its owners head. the troll swayed o and then

fell flat oh a thud that made the whole room tremble.

harry got to his feet. he was shaking and out of breath. ron

was stah his wand still raised, staring at what he

had done.

it was hermione who spoke first.

”is it -- dead?”

i dont think so,” said harry, i think its just been knocked


he bent doulled his wand out of the trolls

was what looked like lumpy gray glue.

”urgh -- troll boogers.”

he wiped it orolls trousers.

a sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the three of them

look up. they hadnt realized what a racket they had been making,

but of eoairs must have heard the d

the trolls roars. a moment later, prall had e

bursting into the room, closely folloe, with quirrell

bringing up the rear. quirrell took o the troll, let out a

faint whimper, and sat qui og his heart.

she troll. prall was looking at

ron and harry. harry had never seen her look so angry. her lips

were white. hopes of winning fifty pryffindor faded

qui harrys mind.

”what ohinking of?” said prall,

with cold fury in her voice. harry looked at ron, who was still

standing with his wand in the air. ”youre lucky you werent

killed. why arent you in your dormitory?”

snape gave harry a swift, pierg look. harry looked at the

floor. he wished ron would put his wand down.

then a small voice came out of the shadows.

”please, prall -- they were looking for me.”

”miss granger!”

hermione had ma to her feet at last.

i went lookiroll because i -- i thought i could deal

with it on my own -- you know, because ive read all about them.”

ron dropped his wand. hermier, telling a dht lie

to a teacher? ”if they hadnt found me, id be dead now. harry stuck

his its nose and ro with its own club. they

didnt have time to e ae. it was about to finish

me off when they arrived.”

harry and roo look as though this story wasnt new

to them.

”well -- in that case...” said prall, staring

at the three of them, ”miss granger, you foolish girl, how could

you think of tag a mountain troll on your own?”

hermione hung her head. harry eechless. hermiohe

last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was,

preteo get them out of trouble. it e

had started handis.

”miss gras will be taken from gryffindor

for this,” said prall. ”im very disappointed in

you. if youre not hurt at all, youd better get off to gryffindor

tower. students are finishiheir houses.”


prall turo harry and ron.

”well, i still say you were luot many first years

could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. you ea

gryffis. professor dumbledore will be informed of

this. you may go.”

they hurried out of the d didnt speak at all until

they had climbed two f