章节目录 章节_71(1 / 1)


olotting ways of getting malfoy

expelled, which were fun to talk about even if they wouldnt work.

ron also started teag harry wizard chess. this was exactly

like muggle chess except that the figures were alive, which made

it a lot like direg troops in battle. ro was very old

and battered. like everything else he ow had oo

someone else in his family -- in this case, his grandfather. however,

old werent a drawback at all. rohem so well he

rouble gettio do what he wanted.

harry played with seamus finniga him, and

they didnt trust him at all. he wasnt a very good player yet

ais of advice at him, which was

g. ”dohere, t you see his knight? send him,

we afford to lose him.” on christmas eve, harry went to bed

looking forward to the day for the food a not

expey presents at all. when he woke early in the m,

however, the first thing he saile of packages at

the foot of his bed.

”merry christmas,” said ron sleepily as harry scrambled out of

bed and pulled on his bathrobe.

”you, too,” said harry. ”will you look at this? ive got some


”what did you expeips?” said r to his own

pile, which was a lot bigger than harrys.

harry picked up the top parcel. it ed in thi

paper and scrawled across it was to harry, from hagrid. inside

was a roughly flute. hagrid had obviously whittled it

himself. harry blew it -- it sou like an owl.

a sed, very small partaie.

we reessage and enclose your christmas present. from

un aaped to the note ence


”thats friendly,” said harry.

ron was fasated by the fifty pence.

”weird!” he said, nmat a shape! this is money?”

”you keep it,” said harry, laughing at how pleased ron

was. ”hagrid and my aunt and uncle -- so who sent these?”

”i think i know who that ones from,” said r a bit

pink and pointing to a very lumpy parcel. ”my mom. i told her you

did as and -- oh, no,” he groaned, ”shes made

you a weasley sweater.”

harry had toro find a thid-knitted

sweater in emerald green and a large box of homemade fudge.

”every year she makes us a sweater,” said r his

own, ”and mines always maroon.”

”thats really nice of her,” said harry, trying the fudge,

which was very tasty.

his also ed dy -- a large box of chocolate

frogs from hermione.

this o one parcel. harry picked it up a

was very light. he u.

something fluid and silvery gray wehe floor

where it lay in gleaming fasped.

”ive heard of those,” he said in a hushed v the

box of every flavor beans hed gotten from hermiohats

what i think it is -- theyre really rare, and really valuable.”

”what is it?”

harry picked the shinih off the floor. it was

straouch, like water woven into material.

”its an invisibility cloak,” said ron, a look of awe on his

face. ”im sure it is -- try it on.”

harry threw the cloak around his shoulders and ron gave a yell.

”it is! look down!”

harry looked down at his feet, but they were goo

the mirrh, his refle looked back at him, just his

head suspended in midair, his body pletely invisible. he pulled

the cloak over his head aioely.

”theres a note!” said ron suddenly. ”a of it!”

harry pulled off the d seized the letter. written in

narrow, l he had never seehe following

words: your father left this in my possession before he died. it

is time it was returo you. use it well.

a very merry christmas to you.

there was no signature.