章节目录 章节_89(1 / 1)


hagrid,” said filch coldly,

theyre here to be puer all.”

”thats why yer late, is it?” said hagrid, frowning at

fil le them, eh? snot your place ter do that. yehve

do, ill take over from here.”

”ill be ba,” said filch, ”for whats left of them,”

he added nastily, aurarted back toward the castle,

his lamp bobbing away in the darkness.

malfoy o hagrid.

”im not going in that forest, he said, and harry leased

to hear the note of pani his voice.

”yeh are if yeh wa hogwarts,” said hagrid

fiercely. ”yehve d an er pay fer it.”

”but this is servant stuff, its not for students to do. i

thought wed be g lines or something, if my father knew i

was doing this, hed

tell yer thats how it is at hrid growled. ”

li goods that ter anyone? yehll do summat useful or

yehll get out. if yeh thiherd rather you were expelled,

the back off ter the pa”

malfoy didnt move. he looked at hagrid furiously, but then

dropped his gaze.

”right then,” said hagrid, ”now, listen carefully, cause its

da were gonna do tonight, an i don waakin

risks. follow me over here a moment.”

he led them te of the forest. holding his lamp up

high, he pointed down a narrow, wirack that disappeared

ihick black trees. a light breeze lifted their hair as

they looked i.

”look there,” said hagrid, ”see that stuff shinin on the

grouuff? thats uni blood. theres a uni

i badly by summat. this is the see in a

week. i fou wednesday. were gonna try an find

the p. we might have ter put it out of its misery.”

”and what if whatever hurt the unids us first?” said

malfoy, uo keep the fear out of his voice.

”theres nothin that lives ill hurt yeh if

yer with me ,” said hagrid. ”ahe path. right,

now, were gonna split iwo parties an follow the trail in

diffreheres blood all over the place, it mustve

bin staggerin arou night at least.”

”i want fang,” said malfoy quickly, looking at fangs loh.

”all right, but i warn yeh, hes a coward,” said hagrid. ”

so me, harry, an hermionell go one way an draeville, an

fangll go the other. now, if any of us finds the uni, well

send up green sparks, right? get yer wands out an praow --

thats it -- an if arouble, send up red sparks,

an well all e an find yeh -- so, be careful -- lets go.”

the forest was blad silent. a little way into it they

reached a fork ih, and harry, hermione, and hagrid

took the left path while malfoy, neville, and fang tht.

they walked iheir eyes on the ground. every now

and then a ray of moonlight through the branches above lit a spot

of silver-blue blood on the fallen leaves.

harry saw that hagrid looked very worried.

”could a werewolf be killing the unis?” harry asked.

”not fast enough,” said hagrid. ”its er catch a

uni, theyre pic creatures. i er be

hurt before.”

they ast a mossy tree stump. harry c

water; there must be a stream somewhere close by. there were still

spots of uni blood here ahe winding path.

”yht, hermione?” hagrid whispered. ”don worry, it

tve gone far if its this badly hurt, an then well be able

ter -- get behind that tree!”

hagrid seized harry and hermione ahem off the

path behind a t oak. he pulled out an arrow a

into his cr it, ready to fire. the three of them

listehing was slithering