章节目录 章节_91(1 / 1)


. harry kept looking

nervously over his shoulder. he had the hey were

being watched. he was very glad they had hagrid and his crossbow

with them. they had just passed a beh when hermione

grabbed hagrids arm.

”hagrid! look! red sparks, the others are in trouble!”

”you twrid shouted. ”stay oh, ill

e back for yeh!”

they heard him g away through the uh and stood

lookiher, very stil they t hear anything

but the rustling of leaves around them.

”you dont think theyve been hurt, do you?” whispered hermione.

”i dont care if malfoy has, but if somethings got

s our fault hes here i place.”

the minutes dragged by. their ears seemed sharper than

usual. harrys seemed to be pig up every sigh of the wind,

every g tas goihe others?

at last, a great g noise announced hagrids

return. malfoy, neville, ah him. hagrid was

fuming. malfoy, it seemed, had sneaked up behind neville and grabbed

him as a joke. neville had panid sent up the sparks.

”well be lucky ter ythin now, with the racket you two

were makin. right, were groups -- ay with

me an hermio with fang an this idiot. im sorry,”

hagrid added io harry, ”but hell have a harder time

frightenin you, an weve gotta get this done.”

so harry set off ihe forest with malfoy and

fang. they walked for nearly half an hour, deeper ahe

forest, uh bepossible to follow because the

trees were so thick. harry thought the blood seemed to be getting

thicker. there were splashes os of a tree, as though the

poor creature had been thrashing around in pain close by. harry could

see a g ahead, through the tangled bran a oak.

”look --” he murmured, holding out his arm to stop malfoy.

something bright white was gleaming on the ground. they inched


it was the uni all right, and it was dead. harry had never

seen anythiiful and sad. its long, slender legs were

stuck out at odd a had fallen and its mane read

pearly-white on the dark leaves.

harry had takeoward it when a slithering sound

made him freeze where he stood. a bush ohe g

quivered.... then, out of the shadows, a hooded figure came g

across the groualki. harry, malfoy, and fang

stood trahe cloaked figure reached the uni, lowered

its head over the wound in the animals side, ao drink

its blood.


malfoy let out a terrible sd bolted -- so did fang. the

hooded figure raised its head a at harry -- uni

bl dot to its feet and came

swiftly toward harry -- he t move for fear.

then a pain like hed before pierced his head; it

was as though his scar were on fire. half bliaggered

backward. he heard hooves behind him, galloping, ahing

jumped ing at the figure.

the pain in harrys head was so bad he fell to his k

took a mio pass. whehe figure had

goaur was standing over him, not ronahis one

looked youe-blond hair and a palomino body.

”are yht?” said the taur, pulling harry to his feet.

”yes -- thank you -- what was that?”

the taur didnt aonishingly blue eyes, like

pale sapphires. he looked carefully at harry, his eyes lingering

ohat stood out, livid, on harrys forehead.

”you are the potter boy,” he said. ”you had better get back

to hagrid. the forest is his time -- especially for

you. you ride? it will be quicker this way.

”my name is firenze,” he added, as he lowered himself on to

his frohat harry ber onto his back.

there was suddenly a sound alloping from the other side

of the g. ronan