章节目录 章节_95(1 / 1)


i dle it, he didn waer any

old home.... so i told him, after fluffy, a dragon would be easy...”

”and did he -- did he seem ied in fluffy?” harry asked,

try ing to keep his voice calm.

”well -- yeah -- how many three-headed dogs dyeh meet, even

around hogwarts? so i told him, fluffys a piece o cake if yeh

know how to calm him down, jus play him a bit o musi hell

ght off ter sleep --”

hagrid suddenly looked horrified.

”i shouldnta told yeh that!” he blurted et i said

it! hey -- wherere yeh goin?”

harry, ron, and hermione didnt speak to each other at all

uo a halt irance hall, which seemed very

d glrounds.

”weve got to go to dumbledore,” said harry. ”hagrid told

that strao get past fluffy, and it was either snape or

voldemort u cloak -- it mustve been easy, once hed got

hagrid drunk. i just hope dumbledore believes us. fire

back us up if ba stop him. wheres dumbledores office?”

they looked around, as if hoping to see a sign pointing them

i dire. they had old where dumbledore

lived, nor did they know anyone who had beeo see him.

”well just have tan, but a voily rang

across the hall.

”what are y inside?”

it rall, g a large pile of books.

”we want to see professor dumbledore,” said hermioher

bravely, harry and ron thought.

”see professor dumbledore?” prall repeated,

as though this was a very fishy thing to want to do. ”why?”

harry s what?

”its sort of secret,” he said, but he wished at ont,

beagalls nostrils flared.

”professor dumbledore left ten minutes ago,” she said coldly. ”he

re urgent owl from the ministry of magid flew off for

london at once.”

”hes gone?” said harry frantiow?”

”professor dumbledore is a very great otter, he has

many demands on his time --

”but this is important.”

”something you have to say is more important thary

of magic, potter.

”look,” said harry, throwing to the winds, ”professor --

its about the sorcerers tone --”

rall had expected, it wasnt that. the

books she was g tumbled out of her arms, but she didnt pick

them up. ”how do you know --?” she spluttered.

”professor, i think -- i know -- that sn- that someones going to

try aone. ive got to talk to professor dumbledore.”

she eyed him with a mixture of shod suspi.

”professor dumbledore will be baorrow,” she said finally. i

dont know how you found out about the sto assured,

no one possibly steal it, its too well protected.”

”but professor --”

”potter, i know what im talking about,” she said shortly. she

bent do the fallen books. i suggest you all go

back outside ahe sunshine.”

but they didnt.

”its tonight,” said harry, once he rall

was out of earshot. ”snapes gh the trapdht. hes

fouhing he needs, and now hes got dumbledore out of

the way. he sent that he ministry of magic will get

a real sho dumbledore turns up.”

”but what we --”

hermione gasped. harry and ron wheeled round.

sanding there.

”good afternoon,” he said smoothly.

they stared at him.

”you shouldnt be inside on a day like this,” he said, with an

odd, twisted smile.

”we were --” harry began, without a he was going

to say.

”you want to be more careful,” said snape. ”hanging around

like this, people will think youre up to something. and