章节目录 章节_99(1 / 1)


/>   ro arawled o harry.

”whats this stuff?” were his first words.

”du of plant thing. i suppose its here to break

the fall. ione!”

the distant music stopped. there was a loud bark from the dog,

but hermione had already jumped. she landed on harrys other side.

”we must be miles uhe school , she said.

”lucky this plant things here, really,” said ron.

”lucky!” shrieked hermione. ”look at you both!”

she leapt up and struggled to wall. she had to

struggle because the moment she had la had started to

twist sendrils around her ankles. as for harry and ron,

their legs had already been bound tightly ihout

their notig.

hermione had mao free herself before the plant got a

firm grip on her. horror as the two boys fought

to pull the plahe more they strai it,

the tighter ahe plant wound around them.

”stop moving!” hermiohem. ”i know what this is --

its devils snare!”

”oh, im so glad hat its called, thats a great help,”

snarled ron, leaning bag to stop the plant fr

arou up, im trying to remember how to kill

it!” said hermione.

”well, hurry up, i t breathe!” harry gasped, wrestling with

it as it curled arou.

”devils snare, devils s did professor sprout

say? -- it likes the dark and the damp

”so light a fire!” harry choked.

”yes -- of course -- but theres no wood!” hermione cried,

wringing her hands.

”have you gone mad?” ron bellowed. ”are you a witot?”

”ht!” said hermione, and she whipped out her wand,

waved it, muttered somethi of the same bluebell

flames she had used ohe plant. in a matter of seds,

the two boys felt it loosening its grip as it ged away from the

light and warmth. wriggling and flailing, it uself from

their bodies, ao pull free.

”lucky you pay attentiy, hermione,” said harry

as he joihe eat off his face.

”yeah,” said ron, ”and lucky harry doesnt lose his head in a

crisis -- theres no wood, holy.”

”this way,” said harry, pointing doassageway,

which was the only way forward.

all they could hear apart from their footsteps was the gentle

drip of water trig dowhe passageed

downward, and harry was reminded otts. leasant

jolt of the heart, he remembered the dragons said t

vaults in the wizards ba a dragon, a fully-grown

drago had been bad enough...

” you hear something?” ron whispered.

harry liste rustling and g seemed to be ing

from up ahead.

”do you think its a ghost?”

”i dont know... souo me.”

”theres light ahead -- i oving.”

they reached the end of the passageway ahem a

brilliantly lit chamber, its g arg high above them. it

was full of small, jewel-bright birds, fluttering and tumbling all

around the room. oe side of the chamber was a heavy

wooden door.

”do you think theyll attack us if we cross the room?” said ron.

”probably,” said harry. ”they dont look very vicious, but i

suppose if they all swooped down at oheres no other

choice... ill run.”

he took a deep breath, covered his face with his arms, and

sprinted across the room. he expected to feel sharp beaks and claws

tearing at him a nothing happehe

door untouched. he pulled the ha was locked.

the other two followed him. they tugged ahe door,

but it wouldnt budge, not everied her alohomora


”now what?” said ron.

”these birds... they t be he