章节目录 章节_42(1 / 1)


dents, with the teachers behihe

hundreds of fag at them looked like pale lahe

flig dlelight. dotted here ahe students,

the ghosts shoy silver. mainly to avoid all the staring eyes,

harry looked upward and saw a velvety blag dotted with

stars. he heard

hermios bewitched to look like the sky outside. i

read about it in hogwarts, a history.”

it was hard to believe there was a g there at all, and

that the great hall didnt simply open on to the heavens.

harry quickly looked dorall silently

placed a fed stool in fro years. on top of the

stool she put a pointed wizards hat. this hat atd frayed

ay. auunia wouldnt have let it in the house.

maybe they had tet a rabbit out ht

wildly, that seemed the sort of thing -- notig that everyone in

the hall was n at the hat, he stared at it, too. for a few

seds, there lete sile t

he brim opened wide like a mouth -- a began to sing:

”oh, you may not think im pretty,

but dont judge on what you see,

ill eat myself if you d

a smarter hat than me.

you keep your bowlers black,

your top hats sleek and tall,

for im the hogwarts s hat

and i cap them all.

theres nothing hidden in your head

the s hat t see,

so try me on and i will tell you

where you ought to be.

you might belong in gryffindor,

where dwell the brave at heart,

their daring, nerve, and chivalry set gryffindors apart;

you might belong in hufflepuff,

where they are just and loyal,

those patient hufflepuffis are true and unafraid of toil;

or yet in wise old ravenclaw,

if youve a ready mind,

where those of wit and learning,

will always find their kind;

or perhaps in slytherin

youll make your real friends,

those g folk use any means

to achieve their ends.

so put me on! dont be afraid!

and do in a flap!

youre ihough i have none)

for im a thinking cap!”

the whole hall burst into applause as the hat fis

song. it bowed to each of the four tables ae

still again.

”so weve just got to try o!” roo

harry. ”ill kill fred, he was going on ab a troll.”

harry. smiled weakly. yes, tryi was a lot better

than having to do a spell, but he did wish they could have tried it

on without everyog. the hat seemed to be asking rather

alot; harry didnt feel brave or quick-witted or any of it at the

moment. if o had mentioned a house for people who felt

a bit queasy, that would have been the one for him.

prall now stepped f a long roll

of part.

”when i e, you will put o and sit on the

stool to be sorted,” she said. ”abbott, hannah!”

a pink-faced girl with bloails stumbled out of line,

put o, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. a

moments pause --

”hufflepuff!” shouted the hat.

the table ht d clapped as hao

sit down at the hufflepuff table. harry saw the ghost of the fat

friar wavi her.

”bones, susan!”

”hufflepuff!” shouted the hat again, and susao

sit o hannah.

”boot, terry!”


the table se the left clapped this time; several

ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with terry as he joihem.

” brocklehurst, mao ravenclaw too, but ”brown,

lavehe first new gryffindor, aable on the

far left exploded with cheers; harry could see rons twin brothers


”bulstrode, milli became a slytheri

was harrys imagination, after all hed heard about slytheri