章节目录 章节_43(1 / 1)



but he thought they looked like a. he was starting

to feel definitely siembered beieams

during gym at his old school. he had always been last to be ,

not because he was no good, but beo oed dudley to

think they liked him.

”fichley, justin!”


sometimes, harry he hat shouted out the house at once,

but at others it took a little while to denigan, seamus,”

the sandy-haired boy o harry i oool

for almost a whole mihe hat declared him a gryffindor.

”granger, hermione!”

hermio raool a eagerly on

her head.

”gryffindor!” shouted the hat. ron groaned.

a horrible thought struck harry, as horrible thoughts always

do when youre very nervous. what if he wasnt at all? what

if he just sat there with the hat over his eyes fes, until

prall jerked it off his head and said there had

obviously been a mistake and hed better get ba the train?

wheom, the boy who kept losing his toad, was

called, he fell over on his way to the stool. the hat took a long

time to decide with finally shouted, ”gryffindor,”

neville ran off still wearing it, and had to jog back amid gales

of laughter to give it to ”ma.”

malfoy swaggered forward when his name was d got his

wish at o had barely touched his head when it screamed,


malfoy went to join his friends d goyle, looking

pleased with himself.

there werent ma now. ”moon” ”nott” ”parkinson”

then a pair of twin girls, ”patil” and ”patil” then ”perks,

sally-ahen, at last -- ”potter, harry!”

as harry stepped forers sudde like

little hissing fires all over the hall.

”potter, did she say?”

the harry potter?”

the last thing harry saw before the hat dropped over his eyes

was the hall full of pe to get a good look at him.

sed he was looking at the blaside of the hat. he waited.

hmm,” said a small voi his ear. ”difficult. very

diffity e, i see. not a bad miheres

talent, a my goodness, yes -- ao prove yourself,

now thats iing.... so ut you?”

harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, not slytherin,

not slytherin.

”not slytherin, eh?” said the small voice. ”are you sure? you

could be great, you know, its all here in your head, and slytherin

will help you oo greatness, no doubt about that --

no? well, if youre sure -- better be gryffindor!”

harry heard the hat shout the last word to the whole hall. he

took off the hat and walked shakily tryffindor table. he

was so relieved to have bee put in slytherin, he

hardly he was getti cheer yet. percy

the prefect got up and shook his hand vigorously, while the weasley

twins yelled, ”we got potter!” harry sat down opposite

the ghost in the ruff hed seehe ghost patted his arm,

giving harry the sudden, horrible feeling hed just pluo

a bucket of ice-cold water.

he could see the high table properly now. at the e him

sat hagrid, who caught his eye ahe thumbs up. harry

grinned bad there, ihe high table, in a

large gold chair, sat albus dumbled

ohe card hed gotten out of the ch on the

train. dumbledores silver hair was the only thing in the whole

hall that shhtly as the ghosts. harry spotted professor

quirtell, too, the nervous young man from the leaky . he

was looking very pe a large purple turban.

and now there were only three people left to be sorted. ”thomas,

dean,” a black boy evehan ron, joined harry at the

gryffiurpin, lisa,” became a ravend then it

was rons turn. he ale green by now. harry crossed his fingers

uable aer the hat h