章节目录 章节_50(1 / 1)


he rounded on harry and ron, who had been w o neville.

”you -- potter -- why didnt you tell him not to add the

quills? thought hed make you look good if he g, did

you? thats a youve lryffindor.”

this was so unfair that harry opened his mue, but

ron kicked him behind their .

”doi* push it,” he muttered, ”ive heard surn very


as they climbed the steps out of the dungeon an hour later,

harrys mind was rad his spirits were low. hed lost two

pryffindor i week -- why did se

him so much? ”cheer up,” said ron, ”snapes aloints

ee. eet hagrid with you?”

at five to three they left the d made their way across

the grounds. hagrid lived in a small woodehe edge of

the forbidde. a crossboair of galoshes were outside

the front door.

when harry khey heard a frantic sg from inside

and several booming barks. then hagrids v out, saying,

”bag -- back.”

hagrids big, hairy face appeared in the crack as he pulled

the door open.

”hang on,” he said. ”bag.”

he let them in, struggling to keep a hold on the collar of an

enormous black boarhound.

there was only one room inside. hams as were hanging

from the g, a copper kettle was boiling on the open fire,

and in the assive bed atchwork quilt over it.

”make yerselves at home,” said hagrid, letting go of fang, who

bht at ron and started lig his ears. like hagrid,

fa as fierce as he looked.

”this is ron,” harry told hagrid, boiling water

inte teapot and putting rock to a plate.

”another weasley, eh?” said hagrid, glang at rons freckles. i

spent half me life yer twin brothers away from the forest.”

the rock cakes eless lumps with raisins that almost

broke their teeth, but harry ao be enjoying them

as they told hagrid all about their first -lessons. faed

his head on harrys knee and drooled all over his robes.

harry and rhted trid call fitch ”that

old git.”

”an as fer that cat, mrs. norris, id like ter introduce her

to faime. dyeh kime i go up ter the school,

she follows me everywhere? t get rid of her -- fitch puts her

up to it.”

harry told hagrid about snapes lesson. hagrid, like ron,

told harry not to worry about it, that snape liked hardly any of

the students.

”but he seemed to really hate me.”

”rubbish!” said hagrid. ”why should he?”

yet harry t help thinking that hagrid didnt quite meet

his eyes whehat.

”hows yer brrid asked ron. ”i liked him a

lot -- great with animals.”

harry wrid had ged the subje

purpose. while ron told hagrid all about charlies work with dragons,

harry picked up a piece of paper that was lyiable under

the tea cozy. it was a g from the daily prophet:


iions ue into the break-in at gringotts on 31

july, widely believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches


gringotts goblins today i nothiaken. the

vault that was searched had iied the same day.

”but were not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses

out if you know whats good for you,” said a gringotts spokesgoblin

this afternoon.

harry remembered ron telling him ohat someone had

tried totts, but ron hadhe date.

”hagrid!” said harry, ”that gringotts break-in happened on my

birthday! it mightve been happening ere there!”

there was no doubt about it, hagrid definitely did

harrys eyes this time. he grunted and offered him another rock

cake. harry read the staihat was searched had in

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