章节目录 章节_51(1 / 1)


ptied earlier that same day. hagrid had emptied vault

sevehirteen, if you could call it emptying, taking

out that grubby little package. had that beehieves were

looking for?

as harry and roo the castle for diheir

pockets weighed down with rock cakes theyd been too polite to

refuse, harry thought that he lessons hed had so far had

given him as muk about as tea with hagrid. had hagrid

collected that package just in time? ? and did

hagrid khing about s he didnt want to tell harry?


the midnight duel

harry had never believed he would meet a boy he hated more than

dudley, but that was before he met draalfoy.  still, first-year

gryffindors only had potions with the slytherins, so they didnt

have to put up with malfoy much. or at least, they didnt until

they spotted a notied up in the gryffindor that

made them all groan. flying lessons would be starting on thursday --

and gryffindor and slytherin would be learher.

”typical,” said harry darkly. ”just ao

make a fool of myself on a broomstialfoy.”

he had been looking forward t to fly more than

anything else.

”you dont know that youll make a fool of yourself,” said ron

reasonably. ”anyway, i know malfoys always going on about how good

he is at quidditch, but i bet thats all talk.”

malfay ly did talk about flying a lot. he plained

loudly about first years ing on the house quidditch teams

and told long, boastful stories that always seemed to end with him

narroing muggles iers. he wasnt the only one,

though: the way seamus finnigan told it, hed spent most of his

ing arouryside on his broomsti

ron would tell anyone whod listen about the time hed almost hit a

hang glider on charlies old broom. everyone fr families

talked about quiddittly. ron had already had a big argument

with dean thomas, who shared their dormitory, about so

t see what was exe with only one ball where

no one was allowed to fly. harry had prodding deans

poster of west ham soccer team, tryihe players move.

neville had never been on a broomsti his life, because his

grandmother had him ely, harry felt shed

had good reason, beeville mao have araordinary

number of ats even with both feet on the ground.

hermier was almost as nervous about flying as neville

was. this was something you t lear of a book

-- not that she hadnt tried. at breakfast on thursday she bored

them all stupid with flying tips shed gotten out of a library

book called quidditch through the ages. neville was hanging on to

her every word, desperate f that might help him hang on

to his broomstick later, but everybody else leased when

hermiones lecture was ihe arrival of the mail.

harry hadnt had a sier since hagrids hing

that malfoy had been quiotialfoys eagle

oays bringing him packages of sweets from home, which he

opeingly at the slytherin table.

a barn ht neville a small pa his

grandmother. he opeedly ahem a glass ball

the size e marble, which seemed to be full of white smoke.

”its a remembrall!” he explained. ”gran kns --

this tells you if theres something youve fotten to do. look,

you hold it tight like this and if it turns red -- oh...” his face

fell, because the remembrall had sudde,

”youve fottehing...”

ryi hed fotten when draco

malfoy, assing the gryffiched the remembrall

out of his hand.

harry and roheir feet. they ing for

a reason to fight malfay, but prall, who could spot

trouble qui ahe school, was there in a flash.

”whats going on?”

”malfoys got my remembrall, professor.”