章节目录 章节_67(1 / 1)


dropped the

quaffle, too busy looking over his shoulder at the flash of gold

that had passed his left ear.

harry saw it. i rush of ext he dived downward

after the streak of gold. slytherierence higgs had seen it,

too. neeck they hurtled toward the snitch -all the chasers

seemed totten what they were supposed to be doing as

they hung in midair to watch.

harry was faster than higgs -- he could see the little round

ball, wings fluttering, darting up ahead - - he put ora

spurt of speed --

wham! a re e the gryffindors below --

mart had blocked harry on purpose, and harrys broom spun

off course, harry holding on for dear life.

”foul!” screamed the gryffindors.

madam hooch spoke angrily to flint and then ordered a free

shot at the goal pryffindor. but in all the ,

olden snitch had disappeared from sight again.

dowahomas was yelling, ”send him off,

ref! red card!”

”what are you talking about, dean?” said ron.

”red card!” said dean furiously. ”i shown the

red d youre out of the game!”

”but this isnt so,” ron reminded him.

hagrid, however, was on deans side.

”they oughta ge the rules. flint ocked harry outta

the air.”

lee jordan was finding it diffiot to take sides.

”so -- after that obvious and disgusting bit of g

”jrowled prall.

”i mea foul

jordan, im warning you --”

”all right, all right. flint nearly kills the gryffindor seeker,

which could happen to anyone, im sure, so a penalty to gryffindor,

taken by spinner, who puts it away, no trouble, ainue play,

gryffindor still in possession.”

it was as harry dodged aner, whit spinning

dangerously past his head, that it happened. his broom gave a

sudden, frightening lurch. for a split sed, he thought he was

going to fall. he gripped the broom tightly with both his hands

and knees. hed hi.

it happened again. it was as though the br to buck

him off. but nimbus two thousands did not suddeo buck

their riders off. harry tried to turn back tryffindor

goal- posts -- he had half a mind to ask wood to call time-out

-- and thehat his broom letely out of his

trol. he t turn it. he t direct it at all. it was

zigzagging through the air, and every now and then maki

swishi almost ued him.

lee was still entating.

”slytherin in possession -- flint with the quaffle -- passes

spi -- passes bell -- hit hard in the face by a bludger, hope

it broke his nose -- only joking, professor -- slytherins score --

a no...

the slytherins were g. o have noticed

that harrys broom was behavi was g- him

slowly higher, away from the game, jerking and twitg as it went.

”dunno what harry thinks hes doing,” hagrid mumbled. he stared

through his binoculars. ”if i didn ker, id say hed lost

trol of his broom... but he t have....”

suddenly, people were pointing up at harry all over the

stands. his broom had started to roll over ah him only

just managing to hold ohe whasped. harrys broom

had given a wild jerk and harry swung off it. he was now dangling

from it, holding on with only one hand.

”did somethi when flint blocked him?” seamus


”t have,” hagrid said, his voig. ”t nothing

ih a broomstick except powerful dark magio kid

could do that to a nimbus two thousand.”

at these words, hermione seized hagrids binoculars, but instead

of looking up at harry, she started looking frantically at the crowd.

”what are you doing?” mray-faced.

”i k,” hermione gasped, ”snape -- look.”

rohe binoape was in the middle of the

stands oppo