章节目录 章节_68(1 / 1)


site them. he had his eyes fixed on harry and was

muttering nonstop under his breath.

”hes doihing -- jinxing the broom,” said hermione.

”what should we do?”

”leave it to me.”

before ron could say another word, hermione had disappeared. ron

turhe binoculars ba harry. his broom was vibrating so

hard, it ossible for him to hang on muger. the

as og, terrified, as the weasleys

flew up to try and pull harry safely oheir brooms, but

it was no good -- every time they got he broom would

jump higher still. they dropped lower ah him,

obviously hoping to catch him if he fell. marcus

flihe quaffle aimes without anyone


”ione,” ron muttered desperately.

hermione had fought her way across to the stand e

stood, and was n along the row behind him; she didnt even

stop to say sorry as she knocked professor quirrell headfirst into

the row in fr snape, she crou, pulled out her

ered a few, well- wht blue flames

shot from her wand onto the hem of snapes robes.

it took perhaps thirty seds for shat he was

on fire. a suddeold her she had done her job. sg the

fire off him into a little jar i, she scrambled back

along the roe would never knoened.

it was enough. up in the air, harry was suddeo clamber

ba to his broom.

”neville, you look!” ron said. neville had been sobbing

into hagrids jacket for the last five minutes.

harry eeding trouhe crowd saw him

clap his hand to his mouth as though he was about to be sick --

he hit the field on all fhed -- ahing gold fell

into his hand.

”ive got the sed, waving it above his head,

and the game ended ie .

”he didnt catch it, he nearly swallowed it,” flint was still

howlies later, but it made no difference -- harry

hadnt broken any rules and lee jordan was still happily shouting

the results -- gryffindor had won by one hundred as

to sixty. harry heard his, though. he was being made a

cup tea ba hagrids hut, with ron and hermione.

”it e,” ron laining, ”hermione and i saw him. he

was stick, muttering, he wouldnt take his eyes

off you.”

”rubbish,” said hagrid, who hadnt heard a word of what had

goo him iands. ”why e do somethin

like that?”

harry, ron, and hermio oher, w what

to tell him. harry de the truth.

”i found out something about him,” he told hagrid. ”he tried to

get past that three-headed dog o him. we think

he was tryiever its guarding.”

hagrid dropped the teapot.

”how do you know about fluffy?” he said.


”yeah -- hes mine -- bought him off a greek chappie i met in

the pub las year -- i lent him to dumbleduard the

”yes?” said harry eagerly.

”now, dont ask me anymore,” said hagrid gruffly. ”thats top

secret, that is.”

”but sryi.”

”rubbish,” said hagrid again. ”snapes a hogwarts teacher,

hed do nothin of the sort.”

”so why did he just try and kill harry?” cried hermione.

the afternoos ly seemed to have ged her

mind about snape.

i know a jinx when i see one, hagrid, ive read all about them!

youve got to keep eye taape wasnt blinking at all,

i saw him!”

”im tellin yeh, yer wrong!” said hagrid hotly. ”i don know

why harrys broom acted like that, but snape wouldn try an kill

a student! o me, all three of yeh -- yer meddlin

in things that don yeh. its dangerous. yet that

dog, an yet what its guardin,