章节目录 章节_75(1 / 1)



”are yht?” said ron. ”you look odd.”

what harry feared most was that he might o find the

mirrain. with rohe cloak, too, they had to

walk much more slowly the . they tried retrag harrys

route from the library, wandering around the dark passageways for

nearly an hour.

”im freezing,” said ros fet it and go back.”

”no!” harry hissed. i know its here somewhere.”

they passed the ghost of a tall witg ie

dire, but saw as ron started moaning that

his feet were dead with cold, harry spotted the suit of armor.

”its here -- just here -- yes!”

they pushed the door open. harry dropped the around

his shoulders and ran to the mirror.

there they were. his mother and father beamed at the sight

of him.

”see?” harry whispered.

”i t see anything.”

”look! look at them all... there are loads of them....”

”i ly see you.”

”look in it pro on, stand where i am.”

harry stepped aside, but with ron in front of the mirror,

he t see his family a ron in his paisley pajamas.

ron, though, was staring tra his image.

”look at me!” he said.

” you see all your family standing around you?”

”no -- im alo im different -- i look older -- and

im head boy!”


”i am -- im wearing the badge like bill used to -- and im

holding the house d the quidditch cup -- im quidditch

, too.

ron tore his eyes away from this splendid sight to look excitedly

at harry.

”do you think this mirror shows the future?”

”how it? all my family are dead -- let me have another

look --”

”you had it to yourself all last night, give me a bit more time.”

”youre only holdich cup, whats iing

about that? i want to see my parents.”

”dont push me --”

a suddeside in the corridor put aheir

dis. they hadnt realized how loudly they had been talking.


rohe cloak ba as the luminous eyes of

mrs. norris d the door. ron and harry stood quite still,

both thihing -- did the cloak work on cats? after

what seemed aur.

”this isnt safe -- she might have gone for filch, i bet she

heard us. e on.”

and ron pulled harry out of the room.

the snow still hadhe m.

”lay chess, harry?” said ron.


”why dont we go down and visit hagrid?”

”no... you go...”

”i know what youre thinking about, harry, that mirror. dont

go baight.”

”why not?”

”i dunno, ive just got a bad feeling about it -- and

anyway, youve had too many close shaves already. filape,

and mrs. norris are wandering around. so what if they t see

you? what if they walk into you? what if you khing over?”

”you sound like hermione.”

”im serious, harry, dont go.”

but harry only had o in his head, which was to get

bat of the mirror, and ron wasnt going to stop him.

that third night he found his way more qui before. he

was walking so fast he knew he was makihan was wise,

but he did anyone.

and there were his mother and father smiling at him again,

and one of his grandfathers nodding happily. harry sank down to sit

on the floor in front of the mirror. there was nothing to stop him

from staying here all night with his family. nothing at all.

except --

”so -- ba, harry?”

harry felt as though his iuro ice. he looked

behind him. sittihe desks by the wall was her

than albus dumbledore. harry must have walked straight past him,
