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desperate to get to the mirror he hadnt noticed him.

” -- i didnt see you, sir.”

”straed being invisible make you,” said

dumbledore, and harry was relieved to see that he was smiling.

”so,” said dumbledore, slippio sit on the

floor with harry, ”you, like hundreds before you, have discovered

the delights of the mirror of erised.”

”i didnt know it was called that, sir.”

”but i expect youve realized by now what it does?”

”it -- well -- it shows me my family --”

”and it showed your friend ron himself as head boy.”

”how did you know --?”

”i dont need a e invisible,” said dumbledore

gently. ”now, you think what the mirror of erised shows us all?”

harry shook his head.

”let me explai mah would be able to

use the mirror of erised like a normal mirror, that is, he would

look into it and see himself exactly as he is. does that help?”

harry thought. then he said slowly, ”it shoe

e want...”

”yes and no,” said dumbledore quietly. ”it shows us nothing

more or less tha, most desperate desire of our

hearts. you, who have never known your family, see them standing

around you. ronald weasley, who has always been overshadowed

by his brothers, sees himself standihe best of all

of them. however, this mirrive us her knowledge or

truth. meed away before it, e they have

seen, or been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or

even possible.

”the mirror will be moved to a omorrow, harry, and i

ask you not to go lain. if you ever do run across

it, you will does not do to dwell on dreams

ao live, remember that. now, why dont you put that

admirable cloak bad get off to bed?”

harry stood up.

”sir -- professor dumbledore? i ask you something?”

”obviously, youve just done so,” dumbledore smiled. ”you may

ask me , however.”

”what do you see when you look in the mirror?”

”i? i see myself holding a pair of thi socks.”

harry stared.

”one ever have enough socks,” said dumbledore. ”another

christmas has e and gone and i did a single pair. people

will insist on giving me books.”

it as ba bed that it struck harry that

dumbledht not have beehful. but the,

as he shoved scabbers off his pillow, it had been quite a personal


chapter thirteen


dumbledore had ced harry not to go looking for the mirror

ain, a of the christmas holidays the

invisibility cloak stayed folded at the bottom of his trunk. harry

wished he cet what hed seen in the mirror as easily, but

he t. he started having nightmares. over and ain he

dreamed about his parents disappearing in a flash ht,

while a high voice cackled with laughter.

”you see, dumbledht, that mirror could drive you mad,”

said roold him about these drearns.

hermione, who came back the day before term started, took a

differehiorween horror at the idea

out the schhts in a row

(”if filch had caught you!”), and disappoi he hadnt at

least found out who niel was.

they had almost given up hope flamel in a li-

brary book, even though harry was still sure hed read the name

somewhere. oarted, they were baing through

books for ten minutes during their breaks. harry had eveime

thawo, because quidditch practice had started again.

the team harder thahe endless

rain that had replaow t dampen his spirits. the

weasleys plai wood was being a fanatic, but harry was

on woods side. if they wost hufflepuff,

they would overtake slytherin in the house